Students will reflect on all that they have learned, and create goals to apply takeaways from Enspire to their future lives.

Welcome to the final month of Enspire: the Reflection Mini-Workshop! You can find everything you need for this workshop on this page.

There are 3 activities included in this workshop, and no Learning Challenge.

As always... get creative, ask questions, and be bold!

For Google Drive users, to access your downloaded files:

Open an activity link and make a copy of the activity by going to File > Make a Copy. Then save it onto your own personal Google Drive.

For Microsoft App users, to access your downloaded files:

On desktop/computer: Go to your File Explorer > Downloads. On iPad, Go to your home screen > My Files > Recents

1. Group Activity: Business Plan

In the last Business and Global Issues Workshop, we explored the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a list of some of the most important issues that the world is facing today. As the future generation, YOU have the ability to make smart choices as conscious consumers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

In this activity, your goal is to use your skills and knowledge gained from the Enspire program to create a business plan for a potential business that helps to address a Sustainable Development Goal.

You will use the design thinking process to identify the issue that you would like to address. You will then use your critical thinking to make strategic business finance choices while keeping track of your business costs.

To implement your business, take the process diagram into consideration and the steps required to get your business started. Then further develop a marketing campaign, using the 4Ps of marketing, to help you identify your audience and grow your business.

2. Mind Map Your Learning!

Over the past five months of Enspire, we've dived deep into a TON of different topics. From Entrepreneurship, to Marketing & Media, to Global Issues, to Finance, to Human Resources and Technology, we've explored it all!​

In this activity, we challenge you to create a mind map of your favourite business, including ideas about its Marketing, Finance, Global Issues approach, and HR & Technology... all based on your Enspire learning!

3. Career Activity

What are the best careers for you?

Take a quiz to learn about different career options that best fit your interests and abilities! To start, make a copy of this Google Slides template and follow along with the instructions.

Lastly... let us know what you think!

Post-Program Survey

We'd love to know your thoughts on the Enspire Program this year! Please fill out this quick 5-minute survey to give us feedback on how we can improve our workshops in the future.


Farewell from Enspire!